Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baseball is Back

Hey guys! Just a quick update on life around here. (above) Playing at Sarah's Cafe, Acoustic Afternoon this past weekend. I've been doing a few of these things, trying to get a gig around town. Most of the places I'm looking to play are swamped with artists looking for gigs, so they do their booking by hosting weekly open mics. You show up, play a few tunes, and hope they like what they hear. So I've been talking to pub owners and trying to get something set up. It's a great way to meet other players in the meantime. It's a pretty broad range of talent/style that comes out to these things, so I'm always learning something new and getting better at my own gig at the same time.

I'm finding that I'm learning a ton in terms of the art of performing. There's a lot of guys who can play. But when it comes to performing, some of them really stand out. Especially when it comes to the whole 'singer/songwriter' thing.. you know, just a guy and his guitar.. some of them are just so.. believable. They could be playing a campfire singalong, and you still just wouldn't be able to turn away. I'm learning that there's a big difference between being able to play guitar well in my basement, and being able to hold a crowd in a busy pub.

Anyway, here's hoping something lands soon!!

Other than that, Kar and I are headed home to Leamington this weekend. I don't think we've been home since Christmas, so it feels like it's been a really long time. I had dreams of early morning rounds of golf with Steve, but I think recent atmospheric events have basically put the kibosh to that idea.

And finally, the Jays home opener was last night, and they hammered the Tigers, 12-5. Look out beantown.


1 comment:

Chuck D said...

Ok, You blue Jays fans are worse than Maple leaf fans...

Sure, they hammered the tigers...you can take your bow for that. But let's be realistic here...the blue jays are NOT going to be good this year. Neither are the tigers. Although i'd be willing to wager say...a coffee that the tigers have a better record than the jays when all is said and done.