The season is turning. The squirrels are still running around in the back yard, but they don't have much company anymore.
It's cold outside. But inside our little world it's as cosy as it's ever been! Tradition is taking hold in that lovely, warm way that it does. Like a chance meeting with an old friend… taking us back to those moments and faces that lie behind each outward symbol of the season… the things we really look forward to each December.

Our tree has gone up. And it's a good one this year!

Ornament roll-call. All members present? Touchdown Santa with an enthusiastic "YES!" Gary, and this year's newest addition, Raymond "Razor" the running Polar Bear, less excited, but present nonetheless…
And so what do you do when the season is upon you? You invite your closest over, and you have a feast. You toast the year that was, and that which is to come, and above all, the opportunity to gather, and to eat, and to toast...
The 1st Annual Love Feast. An inaugural attempt at something we'd been talking about doing for a while now. An evening of eating great food, and drinking great wine. Of exchanging used books, and decorating the tree. Of singing carols (only the first verses... who knows further than that by heart?!), and ushering in what is sure to be a fantastic holiday...
Enjoy the snaps. And to you and yours, our very best. I honestly hope that it is for you what it is for me. Cheers, and the happiest of New Years!

"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Kar and Kristina made an unbelievable meal!

Trish, Nik, Tina, and Josh.

My first attempt at a Mulled Christmas Wine... it was... strong! But good. Going to tweak my recipe and give it another go over the break at home...

Book exchange!