Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well, my better half turned 24 yesterday. she's totally awesome! and also... 'For She's a Jolly Good FELLLOOWWWW...' here's a picture of us in case you've forgotten what either of us look like:

so last night we were at the swiss for dinner, and as a direct result of my shameless attention seeking and karen's love of capturing moments via photgraphy, a small and slightly embarrassing photo session ensued.

the results, of course, have already made their way to facebook, so most of you are probably up to speed. to put it bluntly, i can do unattractive and slightly appalling things with my face sometimes, so for whatever reason, i started making nasty faces, and kar started snapping pictures. anyway, it got a bit out of hand a few times (it really did go on for a surprisingly and probably somewhat unnecessarily long time). specifically, when i was in the middle of a really scrunched up, wretched little piece, and suddenly the waitress, clearly perturbed with the fact that we were making her other patrons uncomfortable, came over to ask if we wanted more drinks. unfortunately, when i descend into the depths of thought required in order to manufacture a face as hideous as this, it taxes me to the full extent of my concentration, and so for the first second or so of looking over to see who was talking, the face remained in tact, and was directed solely, and with full force, at the clearly uncomfortable and somewhat frightened waitress.

bbaahahaha... of course, kar has the camera, and looks totally cool and collected. i, on the other hand, am a mess. it takes a while to recover from stretching your mouth open as wide as you possibly can while bugging out your eyes.

we gotta get a christmas tree soon baby! i wonder if Ikea still has the $10.00 tree special on? who buys there tree at Ikea? we do friends, we do.


Monday, November 24, 2008

lay off the fear...

apparently what's going on at CTV is a big newsmaker across Canada. The other day the boss sent out a company-wide email that, to be short, said, 'the economy is in the tank. we're going to cut back, and also lay some people off.' The next day it was in the papers, including, for some reason, the Windsor Star, and was (of course) also a feature article on

it's certainly become the talk of the hallways around here. 'is it gonna be me? do you think you're safe? i heard pam in HR is a gonner! don't use facebook at work anymore, cause i heard they're getting rid of the first 100 people who log-in tomorrow morning!'

i've been thinking. the beauty of life is that you're never trapped. you really are never trapped. it's all about decision making, and priorities. we have a way of cornering ourselves mentally. we convince ourselves of the exact opposite. that it's impossible to do anything, or that there's never enough money, or time. or that, if only we were 5 years younger, than we might actually pursue an idea. i'm learning that you're either a person who lives an open-ended life (full of possibilities) or a closed-ended life (full of fear), but it isn't a matter of your circumstances or your scenario so much as it is a matter of your mindset.

what would i do if i lost my job? what would i do if i lost all my money? what would i do if i got sick?

i'm not interested in being a victim of my circumstances, no matter what they are. i'll decide what i'm going to be. work... work is unimportant. in that work is a means. the actual business of making television is not of great value. but there's so much that can be done in a day on top of the day's work. so much living, and relating. and learning. learning is what makes work incredible, and fun, and exciting. there's way too much to learn. it's fantastic.

i don't have kids. i don't have a mortgage. i know. but i don't believe in the 'you just wait.. you'll see...' way of thinking. i'm suspicious of people who say things like 'you just wait... you'll see...' i think, generally, what they're actually telling you is, 'i've resigned myself to this mindset. i'm not changing.' it says a lot about them, and little about you.

the great question is: 'what do you want to do?' i've been lucky enough to have a few people in my life who were up to asking me that question. that's a fantastic and exciting question. additionally, as a small, but noteworthy side-benefit, it makes 'the greatest financial crisis in the history of north america in the past 60 years' much less frightening.

yesterday Kar, Kris and I:
1. listened to Bing Crosby's christmas album
2. drank hot chocolate
3. watched Home Alone

it's time.


Sunday, November 9, 2008


we're home till christmas (toronto home). it's more exciting than it sounds. kar and i have been on the road a bunch the past few weeks, which has been great, but it's nice to have a bunch of weekends where we're just around the city with friends and stuff.

kar and i watched 'once' last night. mom founk, you should rent this some saturday night and watch it.

it's a really great music film. ya, it's one of those ones that you call a 'film' more than you call it a 'movie'. it just deserves a little more for the care that you can tell was put into it.

read a few good books too, from nik.

about... nothing. and everything. just, existence. it's douglas coupland. i never really can tell, but i always identify and understand in a more whole and genuine way than almost any other author.


about life, and a journey across the states, and existentialism mixed with faith, searching, wondering, and asking entirely unanswerable questions. along the vein of 'blue like jazz', where you're left feeling alive, and free. freedom is huge.

i've got to get back to watching the late game (giants v. eagles). kar's curing diseases on the couch beside me, looking incredible.
