well.. we're almost back to normal!
the other day kar and i got home from work to find our bedroom floor soaked! a huge storm had rolled through during the day and the window filled up with overflow from the gutter. anyway, jeff's been down peeling back carpet and lending his dehumidifier and generally being the world's best landlord, and i'm excited to say that it's almost dry! (and almost done smelling).
mom and dad founk are up this weekend, so the plan is to have it back in place by then.
ahhh.. parents coming up. i always love it. nothing like parents to facilitate good food and conversation. it's always great cause kar's parents are former torontonians as well, so there's always this 'feels like home!' element to our walks around the city. it's fun walking around downtown with people who think it's as beautiful as we do. i'm really starting to love this town. i've decided. i'm real happy to be living here.
morning mixing is my new thing! it's so great! i'm heading in at around 5:00am and getting in a good 3.5 hours of work done before work starts for the morning. i'm dang tired, but who doesn't like mixing over a morning coffee?
also, great news! this weekend i'm getting my first crack at an entire show!! i've got two days to mix a show for animal planet. something about dogs. purina something? not sure. good to get the overtime in, and great to be doing some mixing! should be good fun. i think i'll be going in early for that too.. getting a good days work in by mid afternoon, and then lookout greektown!
kar's got a great garden going out back. the other day i got home from work a angela wrinkleball (our little old massively italian neighbour lady - she's like 3 feet tall) started yelling at me over the fence (an oddly regular occurence) about something or other, so i made my way over there and she reached up over the fence and plopped this big pile of fresh lettuce in my hand! some sort of new leaf only grown in italy, but she transfered, so now she's growing it in her garden, and just wanted to give me some! what a gem eh!? anyway, that plus a fresh chopped radish from kar's garden, and it was so GREAT!! also, kar's been chopping up fresh kale for our stirfries. i love it. tomatos (eghh..) and peppers (score) and then also carrots are next. anyone wanna come over?
wally, i had a beard to rival yours. but i ditched it. you gotta believe me. i can do it now. something just happened.. like a switch just flipped, and i became a man. but it's still sortof nasty, and mostly relegated to the neck region, so i'm choosing my moments to push that boundary and test my limits. for the time being, i'm clean again.
for the time being.
go dodgers.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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I wanna come over!!!!
Go Kar! Way to garden. I admire that skill. Perhaps I'll have to hit her up for some tips one day when I feel adventurous.
This 'mixing' business sounds like it is exciting, but being the non-TV / non-technical / non-cool person I am, don't know what it means. If you have a moment to facebook me an explanation some time, that would be stellar. Always up for learning something new.
Wish we didn't live one very large province apart...would be sweet to visit with you guys. Happy July to you guys.
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