Friday, September 24, 2010

The Weekend!

This is going to be a great weekend!

Nik and Tina are coming to town. We love these two!

We don't get to hang out we these guys as much these days. Separate cities, separate schedules, etc. It's always good though. Nik is my sports soulmate. Or just straight-up soulmate?... Seriously, one of the legitimate 'great guys'.

Anyway, what do you do when two great friends are coming to town on a Saturday night? You make a killer dinner together. It's a team effort, from the groceries on up, and the whole evening is about hanging out, making good food, drinking good wine, and catching up. Then you hit the town cause other friends of yours are in a great band, and they're going on at a pub in the west end around 10.

Can't wait!



Mel said...

Sounds great - good friends are SUPER amazing. Enjoy....

Don't you love how most of your "blog comments" are from your sisters?!!!

Uav said...

Thank you ever so for you post.Really thank you!