Sunday, October 19, 2008


on the trip to the meeting house this morning i was completely pumped up by the look of the city. we live right close to the don valley, which has a parkway running north south between the gardener and the 401. but the cool thing is that the don valley is also a bit of a nature spot that borders the city's east side. following the parkway all the way up on the west side is a big valley (and river) full of trees and walking/biking paths. kar was laughing at me and the fact that i seem to show the same little boy sense of awe every fall, but i really don't think i've ever seen colors like i saw this morning. it's just incredible.

as corny as it sounds, i've taken to walking out of our basement every morning as i head for the subway, and (provided it's a nice day, which, recently, it has been) lookin around quick and saying, 'nice work God.'

i think it's just become my way of saying thanks for the day, and of recognizing that it's good to be alive. makes for a good start.

also, not really that it's news to anybody reading here, but my brother and Vik had a baby BOY!!! a few notes:

it's really awesome that he's a boy. why? i don't know. i think, because, somehow, there's something incredible about knowing that my brother has a son. i mean, can't you already picture it all? the fishing trips... the talks in the barn... the F1 races and the golfing and the summer jobs in the shop. hehehehee... awesome.

i'm so proud of those two and so happy for them!

finally, YES the record is done, and YES it's ready. just getting a few details finalized so you guys actually have a place to buy it!! should be within the next week or so.

if you find yourself simply beside yourself at the thought of waiting any longer, pop on by for sounds. suffice to say, it came together beautifully, and james' work on the design is nothing short of astounding. it has a great look and feel to it, and i think it really goes well with the sound of the whole package. i'll let you know!! check back often!


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