Monday, March 17, 2008


It's good to be back after a fantastic weekend. I had a lot of time to think this weekend, and I managed to arrive at clarity on a lot of things that have been on my mind lately.

The guitar recording was a total success. Unmitigated. :) I'm wholey sold out on Vox amps, for the record, following a full day of getting to know one. I really haven't ever found an amp that I truly loved. It always seems like they're good at one thing, but not another. A fender something or other does such a great job on those warm clean tones, but anything over-driven sounds choppy and unpolished, which I don't like. And then some big monster of a JCM or something is incredible for that massive drive, but if I'm working on something more toned down, I have no real options. Enter the AC30. It was a lot of fun just playing around with it. I managed to arrive at all kinds of different tones and sounds just within the amp itself.

It was also great to have several guitars. Thanks to matty, glease-bag, and chuck for lending me their beauties. When you're looking to track guitars, and you're staring down at a Les Paul, a Fender Tornado (ya.. you try and find one! I'd never heard of them, but it's a great guitar! sortof like a Tele, but darker at the top end, and a little less open), and an American Tele, you're doing pretty good!

I started at around 8:30am on Saturday, and tracked straight through till about 6:00. Sunday gave me time for a few touch ups and re-records. I managed to plow through all 13 songs, and it's looking as though I've got everything I need!! It's incredible to hear the songs taking on their actual form now. While I know that bass and backing vocals will make it clearer, I'm starting to have a pretty clear picture of where each song is going, and what the energy points are. It's such a cool experience to have that unfolding as it is.

As well, Jimmy and I have chatted, and he'll be playing bass on the record. In fact, it's altogether likely that he's currently holed up in his room practicing to temp mixes on a peavey t max as we speak! ( a true warhorse...

Anyway, it's a good thing, too, cause it'll be nice to have some extra input on each song, and have a nother set of ears helping to decide what sounds best.

The balance of the weekend was spent chilling. Church on Sunday morning was so great! Leah reall worked it in the music.. the guys did a new song that I've never heard, and it was huge. And then Greg just took the whole thing and made it all relevant and applicable.

The overriding idea behind the whole service was that regardless of your circumstance or situation, God's not finished working with and on you. Greg was really trying to help us to see that we cannot see the end of the road. It was so great to hear that, and be reminded of that. That today's circumstance is part of a greater plan, and the greater plan involves God fulfilling in you that for which you were created.

That changes the outlook on the coming week and months, and it has me looking towards Easter with anticipation, right and proper.

Talk soon. I have to go downstairs and harass the TSN archives guys about getting me a DVD copy of that F1 season opener. I'm selling copies for $8.00.... any takers?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Im down, Melbourne was absolutely insane, what a fantastic race, and a bad end for the honda's and 6 ferrari's!!!! Rebuens should retire and let marco in.

I hope you can find jimmy an svt-2pro premiere head, you will not be disappointed. That svt-classic that we used before with the orange cab was trash.