Monday, January 28, 2008

Found and Finding

Some news on the album front, to combat the endless drones of 'i'm still recording, it's still in the works...'

The new record will be called 'Found and Finding.'

It has occured to me that this is turning out to be an excruciatingly personal collection of songs. In a good way.

Found and Finding. My adult life has had a lot to do with learning to learn. Understanding what it means to just be quiet and take in. Found is everything to me. It's who I am. I'm defined by the things I've learned, been shown, by God, friends, family, situations... Peace, direction, confidence, compassion, purpose, faith. I've found so much.

Finding is the ongoing process. I'm never there. To be there, to arrive... well, I suppose that would be to admit one's arrogance, or fear, or naievety. Finding is the ongoing pursuit of fullness. It's in community, my friends, my family, my church family, my passions, my pursuits. It's the act of getting up in the morning, pulling on my clothes, and saying.. 'ok, what's today going to be about?' Finding is having the humility to know where I really stand, and the perspective to see each day as another at-bat.

Found is who I am. Finding is who I'm becoming.

All 12 songs are in progress. Writing is complete.


1 comment:

Cyndy said...

Love it. Really good. Solid.