Thursday, January 31, 2008


The weekend holds great promise. Here's what I have on the books:

- Superbowl weekend. Of course. I'll either be watching it at home with friends, or at friends' with friends, but regardless, it'll be watched. I've got the Giants by a late field goal.

- Wrapping up initial tracking for my final two songs. It'll put me in a good position to finish up drums in two weeks when I'm home next.

- Second last game of the regular season for the Heritage Huskies (my hockey team!). We've been winning more than losing lately, and I've been managing to pop in a few here and there, so it should be a good one. I think we're playing the first place team too, and they're always a lot of fun... good fast games.

- The rest of my time will likely be filled in with sleeping and reading.

By the by, we officially handed in our notice that we want out of our apartment lease at the end of April, so I guess, provided they decide to find someone to take over our remaining months, the move back to Toronto is pretty much official now. We're talking about finding a place down in the city more, which I'm looking forward to. I don't know from experience, but I suspect that living in the city is much different than living in Scarborough. They're both sortof 'Toronto', and yet, they're really not the same thing.

It'll be kindof cool to get back into that life that we had when we first lived in TO... subways and walking and the like...

A different situation, to be sure.

I won't say I'm excited to move... I think that's too strong. I was excited to move from Scarborough to Waterloo, and I think for good reason. Now I'm just optimistic about the new change. There are things about Waterloo that I'll miss, no doubt. But then, there are things about Toronto that I miss now.

This wheel eh?


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